Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Little Miss Goody, Goody...

When I was in junior high, I had a guy friend who liked to call me, "Little Miss Goody Two Shoes."

I prefer to be called Little Miss Sunshine but, whatever.

I think I called him Burn-Out.

I apologize, *cough* Jeff Wiggins!
He also burned the butt of my brand new brown corduroy pants with a small blow torch during science class in the 8th grade.

Just because you forgive, doesn't mean you forget.

Well, unless you're a burn-out.

Admittedly, I am a good deed do-er.

Not so much for the recognition, but because it just feels so good to do nice things for other people!!

The cynical crowd would say I do these things for my own self-gratification.
It reminds me of that "Friends" episode.

The one where Phoebe hates PBS.

(In case you haven't seen it, Phoebe selfish-lessly has babies for her brother and his wife.)

"Self-less good deeds don't exist!" insists Joey.
"It made you feel good, so that makes you selfish. There are no un-selfish good deeds. Sorry!"

Phoebe replies that there are "totally good deeds that are self-less."
And then goes about trying to find one...but Oh! That's hard.
Because doing some thing good for others, ALWAYS makes you feel good!

Or does it?

One of my personal favorite things to say is, "No good deed goes unpunished!"

Have you noticed that?

You try to do something nice for someone and then you get.....THe ZiNgER!

It goes something like this.

"I got you a cup of coffee."

"Is it a double soy latte two shot espresso?" she says back.

"Umm?? I'm sorry. It's just a cup of coffee."

Now I feel bad.
I have now become.....a Beast of Burden!!

"I brought you packets of cream and sugar."

Then comes the eye roll.

An eye roll? For real?

But, but, the word says "I am blessed to be a blessing!"
No, no I'm not. :)
Not usually anyway.

After baking bread for an acquaintance, "I only eat gluten free."

Gluten free? I was confused.

There's no glue in it? Two Googled words later, I realize.....I really am quite an idiot.

A few months ago I tried to help a client/friend who was stranded on the side of the road about 7 miles outside of town.

"Can you come pick me up?"


I went 15 miles out the wrong highway, and then....ran out of gas.

Yes, This this really is my life. Enjoy every chapter.

Speaking of enjoying things, I found a real nugget of inspiration the other day in John, Chapter 10, verse 32. Seriously, if you are ever inclined to be a little sassy or sarcastic, you will appreciate the humor in this passage.

"At my father's direction, I have done many good works...For which one are you going to stone me?"

Bahahaha!!! Do you know who said this? JESUS!!! :)

Let's read it again. "At my father's direction, I have done many good (deeds), which one are you going to stone me for?"

Okay, one day...He and I will totally high five in heaven over that one!

I just can't describe how much that amuses me and gives me joy!
God gets me!

He understands my heart when I smile and say,
"Truly, no good deed goes unpunished!!"

Or unnoticed.
"And the good deeds done in secret, will someday come to light.

Shine on baby! Shine on!!

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