(photo courtesy of Coldwater Creek)
I'm a dreamer.
Ask my mom.
I always have been.
Maybe that's why I so totally love Joseph.
Bible Joseph.
But not the father of Jesus.
Maybe because I'm so drawn to his amazing story, is the reason I am so ridiculously in love with this scarf that I call, "The Joseph & His Technicolor Dream Scarf," or, "The Scarf of Many Colors."
Sweet dreams are made of these! Who am I to disagree?
Watch a free instructional video on 8 ways to tie a scarf!!.
And for the sake of Christmas cheer and keeping every one safe and sound, please buy one for everybody and not just the favored one of the family.
Jealous fits over God given dreams, or fabulous cozy scarves, is not a pretty picture during the holidays.
I get Joseph.
Although, where he tends to run from trouble, I run straight into it.
Seriously, right about now I could use a good dream interpretation hook up.
And by good I mean, better than the baker got.
I've had some pretty crazy dreams over the years.
One of the strangest and most frightening was back in first grade, when I dreamt that I walked out to our family car, opened the door, climbed into the driver's seat and sat on my mother's head, squishing it into a million bloody pieces all over the place, flat as a pancake.
And just as the family dog started to lick it up, I woke up.
Crying my eyes out!
I wonder if she remembers me telling her about that?
Let me just tell you, at 6....that was scary stuff!
I also used to have, "Teeth Crumbling in my My Mouth" dreams, where all my teeth would just start disintegrating one by one while I was trying to have a conversation with someone.
Frequently I would also have, "I Just Drove Off the Unfinished Portion of the Freeway into MidAir Dream."
(You can actually see what the Hollywood version of this might look like in, "This Means War." )
Don't get me started.
It all feels a little nightmarish, really.
One of the most vivid and unbelievable dreams I've ever had happened over a decade ago, about a year after my divorce.
Tossing and turning in the middle of the night, I dreamt I saw my ex-husband sitting on what looked like a park bench or something, playing guitar.
It was a beautiful song with a haunting melody and one that I'd never heard him play before.
After all, he was a drummer.
Who usually just, well....beats it.
The scene, I mean.
Anyway, I woke up with this very distinct, incredible melody stuck in my head.
Finally, near the end of the next day, still unable to shake it, I called him up.
At the time, he was embracing his "Philadephia Freedom" in Pennsylvania after leaving the marriage the year before.
"Hey, I had the weirdest dream last night about you sitting on a park bench and playing a new song. Have you written a new song lately?"
"Actually," he said, "I was working on one last night...on a bench....at the bus station. Huh. I guess I better grab my guitar. Hold on a minute."
I could hear him set the phone down as he went to retrieve the guitar.
The Most Loved/Most Hated guitar in the world.
This was the baby blue strat that made it out of the pawn shop when my wedding ring didn't.
I hated that guitar.
I'd rather have just beat him over the head with it.
Who walks out on their very own nine month old daughter?
And their crazy, "Why Can't You Just Get a Job, I'll Run You Over with My Car, Slash Your Tires and Throw Lamps at Your Head.....beloved wife?"
I'm sure now, 14 years later, it was probably for the best.
He came back to the phone, "Are you ready?"
There were just a few moments of silence and with the strum of the first chord, I started to cry.
It was indeed the exact same melody I'd had in my head since waking up the night before.
Chills went through my body.
I dropped the phone and dropped to the side of the bed.
What else was there to say?
How is it that possible that umpteen states away, I dreamt of the exact song he'd written?
I can't even begin to try and interpret the purpose of that.
Hello, Joseph?
The mysterious melody has now faded from my mind, pretty much the same way many of the imagined promises have over the years.
But then randomly, Aerosmith pops into my head.
"Dream On..Dream on...Dream until your dreams come true...."
Some dreams I've had in my heart since I was just five years old.
Dreams that I don't share with anyone.
Dreams that sound crazy.
I leave those in the hands of God.
And yell at my steering wheel while driving that I'm not really seeing it....
Lately, I keep dreaming of a wedding.
And as much as I really do long to see the bridegroom, I keep waking up just before the ending.
(Maybe I should stop hitting the fridge at midnight like it's a wedding banquet feast.)
Ecclesiastes 5 says, "A dream comes when there are many cares, and many words mark the speech of a fool."
Interestingly, this fool has lost her voice for the last several days.
Can I get a little interpretation here please?
On second thought, I think I'll just skip the cryptic, bird brain feasting extravaganza and pray I get one of these fabulous scarves for Christmas....
Note to Santa...There are several colors to choose from and I prefer the multi-colored shown above.
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