I've often been accused of looking at life through rose colored glasses.
As true as that may be, I would much rather be seeing it through a Fisher-Price View Master Viewer.
You remember those?
The plastic camera that came with an assortment of cool looking white discs?
Oh my gosh how I loved that toy!
My heart almost skipped a beat when I'd pull that lever down, switching to the next slide and anxiously anticipating another photograph of a magnificent place I'd never seen before.
Places like the Grand Canyon or New York City or the Rocky Mountains!
I have now seen the rocky mountains, thank you.
Next picture please.
I'm in need of a new view and as exciting as that might be, I'm not really sure what it's going to look like.
Sometimes, when the disc was bent just so, the camera would get jammed up and not be able to move on to the next horizon.
That's where I'm at.
Clicking maniacally trying to get it to work so I can at least catch a glimpse of the next scenic view.
I know what I'd like it to look like, but I've also learned that when you're playing with the View Master, you can't go backwards.
It only moves in forward motion.
And so shall I.
I am living by believing, but not yet seeing....and tiptoeing around a little afraid in a pair of $6.00 readers from Dollar General.
On a real camera, the view finder is what the photographer looks through to see the world as he sees it.
He can then compose and focus the picture.
Fisher Price's version of this fun little vision enhancer offers, "quality optics and classic styling for an awesome, eye-popping, 3-D experience."
When I stay focused on moving forward and the good things in my life, as opposed to focusing on the negative, then I am able to see a little more clearly.
It helps to remember in these scary moments that God, the almighty view master has composed my life for good.
He knows the plans he has for me.
Plans to prosper me and not harm me.
Plans to give me...a hope..and a future.
But...then again, it's not always about me.
And I often forget to see other people through God's lens, a beautiful landmark, also composed by Him.
Because, "He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view." 2 Cor. 5:15 NLT
What are you focusing on and how is your lens looking lately?
Mine has been a little smudged, and God knows, I'd really rather have EYE-POPPING!!!
That's much more fun than having a little brother smack it up against your face when you're trying to view the Statue of Liberty.
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