No slumber party would be complete without a game of Truth or Dare.
I usually chose the dare because I didn't ever want to to tell the truth.
The ugly truths about myself, my fears, my insecurities.
I would rather have done things like, run naked around the lamp post out in my friend's front yard.
Or kiss a girl...and then some.
Sorry Katy Perry, I kissed a girl before you were even born.
I was in 6th grade.
And I didn't really like it.
I felt dirty the next day when I had to go home.
I just read Anne Jackson's book, "Permission to Speak FREELY."
And I would.
If I weren't speechless.
This is one of the most refreshingly honest books that I have read in a long, long, really long time.
She addresses some of my concerns and frustrations in being a born again, bible thumping, believer.
Life is not always pretty.
It's not always good or noble or of good report.
I've said that before.
But, I just don't believe it's hardly ever effective or life changing to just spew out a few of our scripted Christianese responses, as a band aid to cover, wounds that run so deeply in our body.
Personally or collectively.
We need more than that.
We need fellowship, a hand we can trust and hold that will help lead us to the truth.
Yes, I believe there is power in speaking the word. Heck YES!
I totally, totally believe that there is truth and power in the word of God!
But, please, in the name of Jesus, can we just be honest with each other?
Those in my closest circle know this is one of my biggest pet peeves about "the church".
And I mean no disrespect here whatsoever!
I promise!
Often times, we are afraid to be who we are.
Who we are...with our imperfections.
So many who are lost and struggling will not come through our church doors because they don't feel "good enough."
I used to think just like that.
I'll go to church when I "get my act together."
I don't believe he wants us to act.
He wants us to come as we are, taking off our masks of tragedy and comedy.
Sometimes this *&^% is just not funny.
It's tragic.
And even as believers, we are afraid to admit that we struggle with sin.
Especially certain ones.
The ones no one wants to talk about.
But we ALL fall short of the glory of God.
We all fall.
Sinners every one of us, right out of the gate.
Desperately in need of a savior.
Some of us are just a little more obvious about it.
Or maybe just a little more honest.
But sin, is sin, is sin, is's all the same.
As the world turns, my heart yearns for us to just be real with each other.
Don't people who are not in church want us to be real?
Why can't we confess that even as believers, we're a mess!
Not you.
Of course I didn't mean you.
I know you have it together.
But, I don't.
I don't have it all figured out.
I have questions.
Any suggestions?
Many of us have questions we don't dare ask or talk about.
OMGosh how beautiful would the church be if we could just break down and bond over our brokenness?
If we could skip the designer labeled shirts or dresses on Sunday morning and wear our hearts on our sleeves.
Clothed instead in sin labeled shirts, like Hester Prynne.
HI, I'm addicted to pornography
HI, I'm anorexic.
HI, I'm struggling with depression.
Just so that we know we are not alone in this fight.
So we could celebrate together as one...Christ on the cross, calling us and the lost.
To a better way.
Calling out Truth to us.
And Hope.
That we can live abundantly and free, gaining victory over vices.
How quickly could we dispel the darkness if we weren't living in the lie of fear...afraid of the "what if's" that keep us locked in chains, in closets...far, far, far away from the light of God.
Who takes away the sins of the world.
HI, I'm forgiven.
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