My birthday is Sunday.
Years ago I'd gotten a card in the mail that I have thought about every single year since then.
A lot of my mementos and paperwork are piled in stacks and boxes right now so I can't really lay my hands on it for a word for word quote.
The part I remember so fondly was hand written and said, " we celebrate the day you were born."
For some reason, it touched me and put a totally different spin on what I typically think about when I think of my birthday.
This most special day had once been taken over by anticipation of presents, candles and cake.
And who doesn't love making wishes?
But it's so much more than that.
It is a day to embrace the awesome "gift" of life!
A celebration of the greatest complexity.
My mom was just a kid herself, barely 16 years old.
Courage trumped controversy.
She was brave.
And I was born.
July 8th, 1967.
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart..."
Jeremiah 1:5
".....God, who set me apart from my mother's womb and called me by his grace..."
Galatians 1:15
We were created, by a creator for a purpose.
He knew us and created us.
I praise God because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
King David said, "His eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in his book before one of them even came to be."
I wanted to give a Birthday Shout Out to people I know with this same birth date.
Debbie Owen, owner of the Mason Garden Market, who God lays on my heart many days of the year.
He loves you so much!
And my sweet Aunt Sandy, who phoned faithfully with Uncle Alan, every single childhood year, to wish me a happy birthday.
Thank you! You have no idea how much I loved getting those calls!
I have many wonderful birthday memories, some much more exciting than others.
But all still wonderful in their own ways.
I got to thinking about how he has set us apart....and those who are really, really set apart!
So, for fun, I Googled to see which celebrities share my date, and how they celebrate.
Fun, Fun!!
Here are my Celebrity Shout Outs for July 8th:
Kevin Bacon....I will never forgot how you made us want to dance our butts off in 1984!!
And the original FOOTLOOSE was waaaaay, waaaay better than the latest release!! :)
Jeffrey Tambor....Happy Birthday!! I'm sorry that I thought you were in the band "Arrested Development" in which case I would have commented on Tennessee. :( my apologies.
Jaden Smith....Oh my gosh!! Give it to 'em...The Misfits! Will Smith's son...what a handsome boy!
1 Cor. 4 in The Message says, "We are the Messiah's Misfits." I love that!
Joan Osborne.... I think God was one of us...JESUS!! :)
No, seriously....that song helped change my world! Blessings and Happy Birthday!
Steve Mason...Jars of Clay...Midwest minds must think alike...CREAM CORN...Woo-Hoo!!
Interestingly, Jars of Clay came out with "Flood" about the same time I was listening to Joan singing "One of Us." Wow! God was really rockin' my world in the mid 90's!
And last but certainly not least, Happy Birthday, Toby Keith!
I'm going to refrain from talking about how lovely those lips are, 'cause it's probably not very edifying :)
No, seriously, How do you like me now???
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