Saturday, March 31, 2012

GCB? I thought the B was for Beauties.

Wrong again.
The B is for B-----S.
I have to say that my first impression of GCB was they were totally mocking Christians. It appeared to me to be almost anti-Christian. I thought the angle presented wasn't very inspirational, shallow and perhaps totally contradictory to what a Christian is 'supposed' to look and act like.

But as I started watching, it reminded me of me a bit, and I have to admit, I think it's stinkin' hilarious!
We all have the capacity to be hypocritical at times don't we?
This show is just holding up the mirror so we might catch a reflection of ourselves.
Maybe not you, but me for sure. And yes, we should look like Christ and reflect him and his ways.
Mirror, mirror on the wall....who's the holiest one of all?

Just kidding.
I do wish they could write a story line into it where they are helping and loving others and I hope that as the season progresses we will see their faith grow and mature, but for now, the show is getting a lot of controversy for it's contradictions.
The industry people are probably loving it! Everyone wants to watch and see what the big hoopla is about so they can pick their side.
I take the side with the "let's lighten up" people.
It's funny.
Statements like,"Cleavage makes your cross hang straight," is hilarious!

It's been said that the characters on the show aren't 'real' Christians. How do you know?

One definition of a Christian is someone who has decided to entrust his or her life to Jesus Christ. A Christian trusts Christ for forgiveness of sin, a right standing before God, and guidance in life.

But aren't we all at different stages of learning to walk the walk?
Maybe some of us still occasionally toss out a cuss word, wear inappropriate clothing, act lustfully outside of marriage, speed, gossip, get angry, harbor resentments and bitterness, act like a goes on and on and on....

Jesus Christ.
The blood of Jesus, shed for the forgiveness of sins.
We can never know where another person is on the road, unless we've walked in their shoes.
I'm certain I've never walked in the GCB girls' kind of shoes.
They're probably Manolo Blahniks, and mine cost less than $20.00 at Payless.
It's all about the perspective.

I know, I know.
You'll know by their fruit.
I thought it was, "they will know we are Christians by our love."
I'm growing new plumb and peach trees in my backyard, and although I'm no expert green thumb, I've noticed that they don't just sprout fully mature fruit overnight.
It's a process and can take a while.
Sometimes they are flat out rotten. :)

A daily walk with the almighty Miracle Grow-er who is guiding us and prompting us of what is acceptable and what is not is what's required. He may be talking to each of us about different issues. Just tonight I used a certain word with my 23 year old daughter and then immediately had to call back, rephrase the word and apologize for my bluntness.

If you are offended by it, then just change the channel.
Isn't there also something about not being so easily offended?

Is it poking fun at religion? Yes.
Religion and a relationship with our loving father are not the same.
Are some of the story lines not very Godlike? Yes.
Is it entrepreneurial and humorous to market a pair of jeans as the Western HosAnna brand, instead of Western Ho's? Yes.
I think it's catchy and kind of cute.

Laughter is good medicine.
I see a lot of myself in that show and I see a lot of Christians I know also.
I'm not sure about the rest of the country, but in Texas, if you throw a God Bless before or after your sassy little comment, it sort of counts as okay. :)
You know the ones.
"God Bless her, the little tramp."

There are also the gossip sessions we hide under the veil of prayer.
"We just need to lift up sister so and so Lord, she's fallen off the wagon again, God bless her drunkard spirit and reconcile her to you."
Now if you hear that with a sweet as syrup southern twang, it's funny as heck.
I literally, lol, watching every episode!

I love how Amanda, the main character on the more moral high road, takes a job at "Boobylicious", which is a Hooters kind of place, and then gets a ton of flak from her arch enemy Carlene for working in such a tawdry place when she is a professing believer.

Turns out, Carlene owns the place!
I wonder if she tithes off that money?

Now, occasionally there are a few romping sex scenes like last week when Carlene and her husband Red, cleared his office desk in about 5 seconds flat for a quick, unscheduled, love appointment.

I'm going to be completely honest here and say, they're married, why the heck not?
That's fun.
Maybe if married people were being a little more spontaneous and cleaning desk tops quicker than the Merry Maids ever could, the men would be a lot more merry and not hanging out so much at places like "Boobylicious."

Just a theory I have. :)
I wasn't trying to offend, truly.

Of course, even I have to draw the line when they've come up with their own 10 Commandments.
The list includes things like;
Thou shalt add bling to everything (Not a blingy person, so already, I'm guilty.)
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors husband....unless he's really hot. (Leaving that one alone.)
Remember thy spa day and keep it holy (I'm spa coveting right this second.)
Thou shalt know that it is wrong to expose your thong (Please. It would be wrong of me to wear a thong, let alone expose it.)
And my personal favorite,
Thou shalt not wear it if it's under a carat....(Rethinking that maybe some bling is acceptable and good.)

Because after all, if you've got the ring, you've got the desk thing!
Minus the conviction.
How heavenly!
GCB, may not be your southern cup of tea, but it is for me.
I'll bring the sweet rolls.

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