Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Easy Breezy...Beautiful!!

   (I love this picture...borrowed from Facebook..not sure who made it)

It was one of those mornings you just want to go back to bed.

I sat in the suburban ready to drive the girls 6 blocks to school. Yes, 6 blocks.

The engine was running, I had one obediently sweet daughter in the back seat also ready to go as we waited on the other.

Goes the screen door, and not in a Taylor Swift pop song good kind of way.

My teenage daughter Chelsea, 14 years old at the time, stood on the back steps in a tan knit mini skirt with white sporty piping down the sides and a spaghetti strapped t-shirt with the Superman logo across the front.

This was going to be a Wonder Woman battling moment. I could tell already.
"You can't wear that."
"Yes I can."
"No, you can't. They don't allow spaghetti straps and your skirt is 4 inches too short to pass the school's skirt test. Perhaps you just couldn't see that because of the extravagently thick black eye liner...which also needs to go."

She rolled her eyes at me.
"Go change."

"I'm not changing."
"Well then I'm not driving."
Can you see the cartoon bubbles over head?

"Hurry up. We're going to be late."
"No. I'm not changing."

Oh dear Lord. Help me now.
I turned off the engine, resolved to be late and let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine!" she yelled before slamming the door as she stormed back inside.

As I sat there, like the wondering woman that I often am...."How do I do this Lord? Every day feels like a battle."

"It is."

"I'm tired and battle worn. Where is the victory?"
At that very moment, a fuzzy tailed, beautiful brown squirrel scurried up the side of the house and I
watched in utter amazement with my mouth hanging wide open.

Inch by inch. Slowly climbing. Flat pressed with his belly up against the brick.
Occasionally, he would look around...and down.
I'd never in my life seen a squirrel scale a wall before, but I imagine it is helpful to look back or down every so often, just to stay encouraged at how far you've come.

Ask Hannah Montana....it's The Climb.
He made it up to the rooftop and just stood there looking and waving at me with his victorious sticky padded squirrel feet like he was saying, "And that's how you do it, lady!"

Later that day, no kidding, I had a total McBible moment and opened randomly to the following verse, "With your help, I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall." Psalm 18:29

And that's how it's done!!
He is the mighty force that keeps me going. Day in and day out.
I look around for opportunities to see other people in their struggles and it almost always makes my battle seem so much smaller in comparison.

Talk about a series of random and timely events that left me feeling like I could scale a wall myself....or maybe even a Brick House!!

Change is possible. Even when we can't, God can.
Easy, breezy.

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