Friday, May 10, 2013

Holy Spirit Hook Up

Last Monday after a long day of class, I couldn't wait to put on my comfy yoga pants and just chill. Several minutes passed as I was sprawled out on the couch, snuggling my dogs and reading the last few chapters of, "Quitter."
Suddenly, out of nowhere, in full on, relaxing in dog hair infested pants glory, there was a prompting.
"Like" +Jon Acuff on Facebook.
I love Jon Acuff more and more every time I read his books!
He had me laughing so hard by myself at an open house last month, I had to wipe away the tears.

I love anyone who legitimately makes me belly laugh.
It was something about gathering in prayer circles where the person next to you wants to intimately interlock fingers.
That's funny stuff. Especially if it's ever happened to you and you're all, "Ummmm...this feels just a little bit awkward..."
As I grab my phone and "like" Jon on Facebook...I noticed that he was going to be in San Antonio promoting his latest book, "Start. Punch Fear in the Face.".
April 29th.
What? That's today!!!
Where? One click of a link later I find out he will be at Books a Million.
When I wonder? Probably at 9 am when it is now 7:15 pm.
Another click and this chick was off the couch and moving!

6-8 pm they tell me when I called.
OMGosh! Heck yes!

But it's pouring down rain, and it's clear on the other side of town.
And I look like crap.
Ugh! Decisions, decisions...So should I stay or should I go now????
I called them back, "Please don't let him leave! I'm on my way!"

So, I leave the house, jump in the car and attempt to put my super, who knew how ridiculously pasty white this make up looks in photographs, make up on while driving in an Epic Noah rainstorm.

With 20 minutes to spare, I run into the store, explain that I'm the crazy girl that called on the phone and thanked them for their kindness.
I see John at the back of the store talking to another possible wanna-be author someday couple and begin to prepare myself mentally by coming up with clever intros.
"So, ya wanna lock fingers?"
No, that sounds creepy.
"Love your book and blog!"
Everyone says that.

But then I glanced down and became hugely aware of just how much the fluorescent lighting illuminates dog hair.
Oh, sweet Jesus. "You're a mess." I think to myself.
And yes, yes I am.

Finally, with no lint roller anywhere to be found, it's my turn.
So I ramble on about how much I really, really enjoy his humor and writing.
Who doesn't like hearing that they rock? Ya can't go wrong with sincerely complimenting someone can you?

But then of course, being the shameless opportunist that I am, I tell him about my children's book, "Pig's Big Adventure," and my wildly successful blog with 3 subscribers, Happy Fun Girl.
"Cool. I'll check it out."
"Really? You'll check it out?"
"Yeah. I'm heading to Austin on the bus and I'll check it out."

My quiet self says, "Let it go now."
But the salesman in me says, "You have not, 'cause you ask not."
My motives were pure.
Purely about me. But I continue with a big convincing smile.
"Now. Are you one of those people that just says your gonna check it out, but you don't..or are you really gonna check it out?"
Okay. Maybe I'm pushing it a little.
He laughed and said, "I really will."
"Feel free to post a comment too!"
I always go for one thing too many. :)

As I'm walking/and or floating/ to my car, I notice again the massive tour bus.
I want a tour bus Lord.
Yes, that sounds ridiculous, but I'm not going to lie and act like I don't.
And that's what I've loved about reading Jon's latest and super greatest book.
It's honest.
It's real.
It's relevant.
Jon talks about practical ways to pursue what you love doing, while still maintaining your real life.
He tells honest stories and gives us a glimpse into who he really is when he's not gallivanting around the country in blinged out tour buses.

I particularly love his implementation of, 'The Brag Table.'
This is a safe place where you can get together with a friend, share your accomplishments and say, "How cool is that?" without the falsely modest, 'Praise Jesus' disclaimer after every sentence.

The super duper blessed usually already know where it comes from.
Every good gift comes from above.
God rocks!
I thanked Him on Facebook for the holy spirit hook-up.
It was promptly misinterpreted by one of my besties who thought I met a new guy.
I'm sure Jon's wife would appreciate that.

I even said, I couldn't wait to blog about it.
Can't wait, means nearly two weeks because I have a new laptop and and they apparently have re-imagined Windows.
I imagine myself jumping out the window because it's one more thing I've had to learn lately and I want to pull my hair out of my head.

In any case, I love, love, love the book!
I'm almost to the end, and completely and totally recommend it to anyone who has a dream. Whatever that dream may be. It's a book for anyone who dreams at all.
It's simple and easy to read and, although he probably despises the word, "motivating."

The whole evening reminded me that as much as I'd like to be prepared when things come my way, sometimes I'm just not.
And I have to show up anyway.
Dog hair and all.

Try your best to be prepared, but the when the ball is coming at you, you can miss it completely, or get hit in the side of the head, (which happens) or you can go ahead and swing.
Several weeks ago I had a dream that I was hitting a punching bag.
Not just any punching bag, but a Vera Bradley punching bag.
I have a lot of fears.
"Fear not, for I am with you." God says.

If I'm going to punch fear in the face, I guess it will at least be in a pretty floral print.

Oh, and I'm still waiting for that comment Jon Acuff. ;)

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