Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Practice Does Not Make You Perfect!

I've been thinking about Mrs. Rodewald a lot lately.

She was the journalism teacher who told me I could write.

Not only did she tell me I could write, without my knowledge, she nominated me for the Quill and Scroll Honor Society for Young Journalists.

And based on some writings, including a music review of a Prince concert I saw in Dallas, I was accepted.

I think it started out like this, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life...."
Electric word, life.

Some life lessons come easier than others.

I should have known there would be a test.

There's always a test.

Just as soon as I think I have some wonderful, victorious living, quality down pat, I get tested.
And fail.

This week, I will not be Jesus The Teacher's pet.

Knowing I would be with about 14 other family members for several days in a row, I tried to get all prayed up.

I used to refer to my brothers as the Spawns of Satan, and I regret that now.

The word says to practice hospitality.

Sadly, I'm just not always good at it, especially with the people closest to me.

"Okay. Today Lord, help my speech be gracious and attractive."

I walked happily through my mom's front door with every intention of being loving and kind.
"Hey Lurch!" yelled my brother.

What goes around, really does come around doesn't it?
It's the reaping and sowing thing.
And it was pretty much down hill from there.

Down, down, down....down on my knees I went after I got home, total crybaby on the carpet style.
All because I continue to let things people say get under my skin.

And I failed to remain gracious, and the speech in my head, was not loving at all.

I thought I was ready. I thought I was prepared.
I thought I would respond to criticism with love and peace.
Nope. Not so much.

This week I was going to write about not letting stuff get to you.
But now I won't.

Because I have not practiced it enough to be victorious, and I really don't want to be like the guys in Matthew 23.

Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ".........But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach."

Holy do-overs!!

I've hung out on Hypocrite Hill. Again.

I just had a flashback to the fourth grade, and I think I understand the lesson.

Even though I studied the chapter and I memorized the material, I got the test handed back to me, and it was wrong.

It is possible to have done the book work, but my actual field application needs some work.
Because my relational reactions this week, really sucked.

When I'm feeling particularly brave I will ask God, "Please reveal to me if I have done something or said something that was offensive to you or not the way you would have responded in a situation."

And then he does.
And I pray He's grading on a curve.

Because don't we all look at our own stuff and measure it against the rest of the class?

Aren't we pretty sure we don't deserve as bad of a grade as some of the others?

Maybe we are guilty of C behavior, but not a flat out F!

Sin is sin. Period.

And although it is an easy Spelling Bee word, it's not a very popular one.

"Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them...." 1 John 3:9

I don't want to make sinning a practice, but, it happens.

"Everyone wants to be on a winning team, but no one wants to come to practice."  - Bobby Knight

As a believer, I don't expect that I'm going to be perfect, but I do want to practice being better at this thing called life.

Doing the book work is important.

And so is putting it into practice.

But, as a former teacher's pet, I'm very aware that I've just been asked to help pass out the papers, not actually grade them.

"And if the elevator tries to break ya down, go crazy.....punch a higher floor!'

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