Sunday, May 27, 2012

Courageous or Cowardly?

"I don't feel like I started well. I want to finish well."

This statement reflects my sentiments as I think about things like courage on this Memorial weekend and the men and women who have bravely served this country to defend our liberties and freedom.

The line comes from the powerful movie, "Courageous."

I think about wars, present and past and the real battles that we fight every day in our country, in our families, and in our minds.

I think about the opposing forces and often look down at my feet to see which side I'm standing on, moment by moment and I realize how cowardly I can be.

Just like the cowardly lion, "You're right, I am a coward! I haven't any courage at all. I even scare myself!"


He reveals again his personal insecurities in song, "I'm sure I could show my prowess, Be a lion, not a mouse, If I only had the nerve."

Elisabeth Elliot's husband was killed along with 4 other missionaries in Ecuador. She said that her life was controlled by fear. Every time she would start out to minister, she was controlled by fear. Finally one day a friend asked her, "Why don't you do it afraid?"

I heard this story listening to Joyce Meyer and it resonated a lot with me because I have a lot of fears I am dealing with right now.

Fear of failure.
Fear of success.
Fear of finances.
Fear of the unknown.

I've rolled it all around in my head, thinking about fear and thinking about courage.
And I determined that I was going to move forward, and do it afraid.
"Fear Not!" God said, "For I am with you."

I think about it when I'm driving in my car, blaring K-LOVE, listening to Casting Crowns sing,
We were warriors on the front lines, standing unafraid
But now we're watchers on the sidelines, while our families slip away...
Where are you men of courage, you were made for so much more..
Let the pounding of our hearts cry, we will serve the Lord.

There are a lot of folks that gave that movie terrible reviews.
My guess is that's probably because it hit a little too close to home.
We looked at the widescreen and saw how compromising and cowardly we can be.

Great. Now I'm hearing Kenny Rogers singing, "Everyone considered him, the coward of the county..."

For me, I walked out of that movie wanting to do better for myself and my family.
And yes, I honestly wondered, "Where are you men of courage?"
I wondered if I could ever find a man of courage like that, doubted it, and determined to be a little more courageous myself.

And I'm trying. Truly.

I sincerely do want to live without the Fear Factor!

Back in bible times, it says in John, that no one had the courage to speak favorably about Jesus in public, because they were afraid of getting in trouble....

Interesting. I'm kind of a trouble maker. :) Trouble makers unite!! United we stand, divided we fall.

We are told in Philippians to stand together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith... and not be intimidated by our enemies.

On the yellow brick road of life, I want to escape victoriously from the wicked witch of the west and the evil flying monkeys!!

Were those things scary or what???

I want to stroll through a field of poison poppies and knock the big brass knocker on the door with boldness.
I don't want to be like the cowardly lion who said, "I'd better wait for you outside."

I really do want to see the great and powerful "Oz."

Because I believe it's true that there is "no place like home."
But this not my home.
And I wouldn't be caught dead in those blinged out ruby slippers!

Lord make us courageous!

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