Thursday, July 25, 2013

Grocery Store Confessions: Wake me, Shake me...

Standing in the check out line at HEB the other day, I saw this amazing magazine!

Snuggled right up next to all the other literary works, like 50 Ways to Look Hotter and How To Last Longer in Bed, was the most practical and proven, true life application of real change.

"The Bible: 50 Ways it Can Change Your Life"

How cool is that?

I love my HEB!

One of the things I love most, besides their outstanding customer service, (Shout out to Richard!) they always have great music playing.

Standing in line, I immediately recognized the familiar tune.
"Mony, Mony."
"Wake me, shake me mony, mony......Hey!"

Yep. That one.

I'm sure Tommy James and The Shondells never anticipated the vileness in which that song would later be sung.

One I personally sang at the top of my lungs.

The song makes me cringe now.

I announced to the others in lane 8, "I hate this song. Well, strongly dislike anyway."

They stopped putting stuff on the conveyor belt and looked up to listen, because, well, you can hear better when you're looking up.

After receiving smiles and visual confirmation in front of the Snickers bars and Tic Tacs, the woman behind me squealed with delight, "I love this song!"

Okay. Not on the same page. Duly noted.

But, I decided I was not going to miss this opportunity to share with the grocery buying public, the depths of my former depravity.

"I used to love this song too," I smiled back. "But now when I hear it, it just reminds me of being super drunk on a dance floor, acting like an idiot and shouting verbal obscenities while wearing see through shirts and mini-skirts."

She laughed.

I'm no angel, believe me. And I'm really not trying to sound all holier than thou here, for real. I'm just very surprised by the length and progress of my journey and the jacked up roads I've been down and survived.

Amazed and humbled.

Drinking and drugging and partying are all fun.

Until the consequences kick in.

I love that line from the movie Crazy Heart, "Funny how falling feels like flying, for a little while." And it does.
For a little while.

I used to despise all things, "religious," and felt very free to do whatever I wanted to do.

The greatest thing I've probably learned along the way is, just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Now, I am the girl in the grocery store, totally excited to go home and make a delicious soup I saw Giada prepare on Food Network.
With kale.

Now, I am the girl, ecstatic and grateful to Time Home Entertainment for putting this beautiful publication in my check out isle.
Just in time.

Thank you, Time.

Thank you for time to grow up, time to change, time to realize what's really important in life and what's not worth chasing.

Thank you time and time again, for forgiveness.

Thank you for the time I had with friends I love who may not see or agree with me.

Thank you for time to reflect on past mistakes and time to pray I don't repeat them.

Thank you for time to repent when I know I probably will.

Funny how I used to love that song and felt no shame whatsoever in yelling, "Get L---, Get F-----!"

Asking God to come into my life and into all of the dark places has undeniably changed me.

In more than 50 ways.

"Do not conform to the ways of this world, but be transformed, by the renewing of your mind." - Romans 12:2 

I've so needed to be renewed.

It goes on to say, "Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is...his good, pleasing and perfect will."

I will if you will!

The woman behind me went on to tell her own story as her teenage daughter stood quietly behind, "I was just at a party a few weeks ago and we were all out on the dance floor yelling, "Get Laid, Get F.... "

I interrupted with my most sincere and loving smile, "I get it."
Because, I do.

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